Albert Einstein once said
" Let every man judge according to his own standards, by what he has himself read, not by what others tell him"
but this seemingly sensible quote is evident in our vast knowledge as humans, that we don't accept the ability of one man to make the right choice or best decision for him at a particular time and subsequently we judge, taunt and scrutinize these people if their opinion differs to ours.
Recently, Tennessee state just passed legislation banning the word "gay" or any discussion of homosexuality from schools. So how does this help the situation?? Does TN think that by banning the word "gay" all the gay people will disappear. Denying rights to some that we give to others is civil rights atrocity. Person beliefs should never defeat equality. For a country that is so 'forward thinking' and prides it self on equality of sexes and race how can this intolerance of a subset of our community's be allowed. Furthermore this is not just schools banning students from using the word hatefully, its banning teachers from acknowledging gay kids exist. This wont just affect LGBT kids, but also children of gay/lesbian couples. So what are the LGBT children going to do now? feel more alone?
It is sickening to live in a world where such blatant hate can become a law. The hate mongering of these people is unacceptable!